Eye bags for Sale



Milk Cotons




small container with lid


1.Lets get started, shall we? Get those cottons and make a cotton ball.

  • if you dont know how to do that, no harm, dont make one.

2. Place some to a container for future use.

3. Soak two cottons balls in milk.

4. Let it absorb the milk and go ahead and wash you face with your favorite soap.

5. Tap dry.

6. Lie down and place the soaked cottons balls with your eyes close in place.

7. Give it a couple or three minutes before washing your face again.

  • you can drink the excess milk or use it tomorrow. same instructions for everyday. before you sleep preferably.

Cucumber Lover



sharp knife


1. Get that fresh cucumber and slice it thin, like half an inch.

  • you only need two slices for this one, keep the rest or eat it with mayo and ketchup mix dip. 🙂

2. Wash face.

3. Tap dry.

4. Place the cucumber with your eyes close for 5 minutes.

  • really soothing, its cold and relaxing. do it till that bags is history.

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Eye bags for Sale!